About my work:

Text from the Exhibition '17 x 1 MAN'
Installation 'The Lady and the First Man' 1999,
Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin, Ireland

Installation 'Herzwald 97'
Galerie en Landtschapspark,

Many years ago I couldn't understand this world, the people in it and my own life, because I'm an idealist. I conducted an experiment in art, at first unconsciously. I worked with invisible material, which represented the variety of my feelings. I climbed the virtual steps in the area of my emotions. Over the years I got to know the signals of my emotionality and then I realized that I was going the old spiritual way that an early teacher from Nazareth had taught two thousand years ago. He told us how to overcome the pain (symbol: cross) in emotions (symbol: heart).

I found three parts of individualism (reason, emotion, intuition) and I discovered a cycle between emotion and intuition.Suddenly I could understand all the different mythologies, which told me in a language of symbols about the other side in us. In the garden of my activated and cultivated emotions a child in innocence was born in the form of a new creative thinking. My anima found her man. Anima and animus, ying and yang, married in my own body. Now I can understand the 'First Man', who taught about this great happening two thousand years ago.

When emotions are enabled to take the next step of evolution, then we will get a 3D-Personality (symbol: butterfly) with three-dimensional reality. I have gone and suffered through these creative processes in myself. Therefore I know that finally peace and freedom will be brought over the whole world, if we learn to develop the alphabet of emotions. Now I want to surf with the 'First Man' and other people in the internet of emotions. A long time ago they called it paradise and it will begin here on earth.

After my very hard work with the material of emotions and its possibilities I would like to be a bridge, which is able to connect yesterday, today and tomorrow - together with other people.

© M.L. Marlie Haberey-Bock

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